Hyperactive Dogs

Problem Behaviours

Why Using Dog Park Time To Wear Out Hyperactive Dogs Isn't Always A Good Idea

Madeleine Ross, CPDT-KA, November 8 2018

“I couldn’t possibly stop taking my dog to the dog park every day, they’d be out of control!” The above is a common worry that trainers hear when we suggest to owners that their dog could benefit from a little less dog park time. Many owners of hyperactive and excitable dogs use the dog park to burn off their dog’s energy, so that the dog is more m...

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Canine Behavioural Science

Canine Learning Theory & Why Dogs Jump

Madeleine Ross, CPDT-KA, November 8 2018

The first rule of dog training is that "all behaviour that gets reinforced, gets repeated." This means that when a dog gets something that they want out of a behaviour, they are more likely to try it again in the future. A common example of this is dogs that jump up onto people. If the jumping behaviour is repeating over and over again, then that m...

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